2.7. Annotations tutorial

Let’s add some annotations

2.7.1. edges

Undulate does support the edge notation of Wavedrom. Let’s see how to declare our first annotations.

In the example below, a section edges contains a list of strings representing the desired annotations.

For instance, the first one “a -> c” depicts an arrow from a node a to a node c. Those nodes are defined alongside the waveform. In the node attributes, the character . means don’t care of the associated brick in the wave attribute. Any other character corresponds to the name given to this node.

jsonml yaml toml
    signal: [
            name: "pulses",
            wave: "lhl...hl.",
            node: ".a....b.."
            name: "toggle",
            wave: "l.h....l.",
            node: "..c....d."
    edges: [
        "a -> c",
        "a <-> b 100 us",
        "b ~> d"
    wave: "lhl...hl."
    node: ".a....b.."
    wave: "l.h....h."
    node: "..c....d."
- "a -> c"
- "a <-> b 100us"
- "b ~> d"
pulses.wave = "lhl...hl."
pulses.node = ".a....b.."
toggle.wave = "l.h....l."
toggle.node = "..c....d."
edges = [
    "a -> c",
    "a <-> b 100us",
    "b ~> d"


Concerning the naming of the nodes you are limited to 1 character for a node. Thus in Wavedrom it is common to use other alphabet in the unicode tables to not limit ourselves to the 26 characters of the roman alphabet.


Compared to Wavedrom, the name of the node is not displayed on the waveform. Most of the time, the name of the node is not of importance compared to the real information that our graphics shall convey, and this prevents overloading the drawing.

For the list of possible patterns of an edge, we can decompose an edge as NODE PATTERN NODE [TEXT].


The list of available MARKER is:

  • empty

  • < (start arrow)

  • > (end arrow)

  • # (square)

  • * (circle)

The list of available MIDDLE is:

  • - (straight)

  • ~ (curve)

  • -~ (straight then curve)

  • ~- (curve then straight)

  • -| (horizontal then vertical)

  • |- (vertical then horizontal)

  • -|- (horizontal then vertical then horizontal)


the markers # and * are not compatible with Wavedrom.

2.7.2. annotations

Undulate supports more evolved annotations than edges. These are defined in a separated section entitled annotations.

These annotations are like special bricks defined by a property shape associated to extra parameters dedicated to the given shape. Time compression

This one is purely stylistic, and consists in global time compression. It is a variant of the symbol ‘|’ spanning over several signals. Its shape is thus ||.

This global time compression requires a x value to place the annotation at the desired instant.

jsonml yaml toml
    signal: [
            name: "pulses",
            wave: "lhl...hl.",
            node: ".a....b.."
            name: "toggle",
            wave: "l.h....l.",
            node: "..c....d."
    annotations: [
            shape: "||",
            x: 5
    wave: "lhl...hl."
    node: ".a....b.."
    wave: "l.h....l."
    node: "..c....d."

- shape: "||"
  x: 5
pulses.wave = "lhl...hl."
pulses.node = ".a....b.."
toggle.wave = "l.h....l."
toggle.node = "..c....d."

shape = "||"
x = 5


The global time compression annotation is by default drawn over the complete image. However, this annotation accepts two other properties: from and to.

These limit to which waveforms are concerned by the time compression.

For instance one can split the time compression to change the look and feel of the following image


into the following


from and to accept either a floating point number as an index of a signal waveform or a percentage in the format number % where the number is a floating point number between 0.0 and 100.0. Horizontal Line

jsonml yaml toml
    signal: [
            name: "pulses",
            wave: "lhl...hl.",
            node: ".a....b.."
            name: "toggle",
            wave: "l.h....l.",
            node: "..c....d."
    annotations: [
            shape: "-",
            y: 0.5
    wave: "lhl...hl."
    node: ".a....b.."
    wave: "l.h....l."
    node: "..c....d."

- shape: "-"
  y: 0.5
pulses.wave = "lhl...hl."
pulses.node = ".a....b.."
toggle.wave = "l.h....l."
toggle.node = "..c....d."

shape = "-"
y = 0.5


The horizontal line annotation is by default drawn over the complete image. However, this annotation accepts two other properties: from and to.

These limit to which bricks are concerned by the horizontal line. from and to accept either a floating point number as an index of a signal brick or a percentage in the format number % where the number is a floating point number between 0.0 and 100.0. Vertical Line

jsonml yaml toml
    signal: [
            name: "pulses",
            wave: "lhl...hl.",
            node: ".a....b.."
            name: "toggle",
            wave: "l.h....l.",
            node: "..c....d."
    annotations: [
            shape: "|",
            x: 7.5
    wave: "lhl...hl."
    node: ".a....b.."
    wave: "l.h....l."
    node: "..c....d."

- shape: "|"
  y: 7.5
pulses.wave = "lhl...hl."
pulses.node = ".a....b.."
toggle.wave = "l.h....l."
toggle.node = "..c....d."

shape = "|"
y = 7.5


The vertical line annotation is by default drawn over the complete image. However, this annotation accepts two other properties: from and to.

These limit to which waveforms are concerned by the vertical line.

from and to accept either a floating point number as an index of a signal waveform or a percentage in the format number % where the number is a floating point number between 0.0 and 100.0. Arrows

This annotation is the equivalent of Wavedrom’s edges. To represent an edge NODE PATTERN NODE [TEXT] the annotation object is represented as follows:

jsonml yaml toml
annotations: [
        shape: ``PATTERN``
        from: ``NODE``
        to: ``NODE``
        text: ``TEXT``
- shape: ``PATTERN``
  from: ``NODE``
  to: ``NODE``
  text: ``TEXT``
shape = ``PATTERN``
from = ``NODE``
to = ``NODE``
text = ``TEXT``


It is possible to adjust the position of a text with the properties dx and dy. They accept a floating point value.


from and to accept either one of the following format:

  • (x, y)

  • (x %, y %)

  • node name

  • node name + (dx, dy)

Where x, y, dx and dy are floating point numbers. In case of a percentage notation, it is a floating point number between 0.0 and 100.0. Text

It is also possible to draw only a textual annotation. This annotation object expect a text and a position. The position is provided by a x and a y coordinate. Thus, it can be used as follows:

jsonml yaml toml
annotations: [
        text: "There is no transition between these data",
        fill: "rgba(255, 255, 0, 255)",
        x: 8,
        y: 4.15
- text: There is no transition between these data
  fill: rgba(255, 255, 0, 255)
  x: 8
  y: 4.15
text = There is no transition between these data
fill = rgba(255, 255, 0, 255)
x = 8
y = 4.15 Stylish annotation Fill and Strokes

It is possible to change the color of a line by specifying the property stroke.

For example on the vertical line

jsonml yaml toml
annotations: [
        shape: "|",
        x: 1,
        stroke: "rgb(10, 200, 240)"
- shape: "|"
x: 1
stroke: "rgb(10, 200, 240)"
shape = "|"
x = 1
stroke = "rgb(10, 200, 240)"

It is also possible to change the color of filled arrow by specifying the property fill.

For example on an arrow

jsonml yaml toml
annotations: [
        shape: "#~>",
        from: "a",
        to: "b",
        fill: "#FFA500",
        stroke: "#FFA500"
- shape: "#~>"
  from: a
  to: b
  fill: "#FFA500"
  stroke: "#FFA500"
shape = "#~>"
from = a
to = b
fill = "#FFA500"
stroke = "#FFA500"

The property fill and stroke are part of the css for SVG images.

However, gradient and named colors are not supported by all rendering engines. Gradient are not supported. Named color is only supported by undulate -f svg Dashes

It is possible to make the line using dashes rather than begin solid.

jsonml yaml toml
annotations: [
        shape: "|",
        x: "1",
        stroke-dasharray: [1, 3]
- shape: "|"
  x: 1
  stroke-dasharray: [1, 3]
shape = "|"
x = 1
stroke-dasharray = [1, 3]

The property stroke-dasharray is part of the css for SVG images. Text background

By default, to enhance the visibility, textual annotations (even in arrows) are drawn on top of a white area as a background. However, this can hide some key element of your drawing. Thus the background can be removed by setting the property text_background to False in the annotation.